Essence and operating principles

         In the man there is bioenergy, which is in the east called energy Chi or Ci, which circulates twelve paired and two unpaired meridians, without considering, “wonderful” meridians. Energy circulates on the meridians with the specific regularities. It they at present divide not only into the Yang and the Yin, but also to innate, nourishing, respiratory, internal, shielding and energy of health. They all get mixed, constantly occurs exchange and motion. Without the exchange there is not increase, ripening, aging. Without the motion it cannot be been born, grow, to ripen, to give harvest, to increase. It is interesting that contemporary data of medicine and biology confirm ancient ideas about the circulation of the energy: biological rhythms with “the activity and the passiveness” of organs, the transfer of genetic factors and others The problems of bioenergetics - the study about the totality of the processes of transforming the energy in the biological systems, its adoption from the environment - are now extremely urgent. By Biot the same or space energy filled space, from where it impregnates in itself this energy of men, being the particle of space. These meridians are high material and it is not possible them to see either macro, or microscopically. A quantity of this energy in each person, in each meridian and at each point of these meridians of the same person in the healthy state is constant. From the different external and internal reasons is disrupted the constancy of this energy, that also leads to the disease.




























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