Treatment of diseases by the acupuncture, made by doctor Gagik Muradyan



1.    Neuroses;

2.    No traumatic epilepsy;

3.    Schizophrenia, phobia (fears), boundary states;

4.    Headaches, including migraine;

5.    Insomnia;

6.    Hypertonic and hypotonic diseases;

7.    Disturbance of cerebral blood circulation;

8.    State after the stroke of brain;

9.    Diseases of vascular system;

10. Reynaud's disease;

11. Obliterating endarteritis;

12. Paresis of upper and lower extremities;

13. Paraparesis of feet;

14. Children's cerebral paralysis;

15. Defeat of the thyroid gland of no oncologic nature;

16. Disease of the heart, including coronarosclerosis;

17. Defeat of the liver (besides parasitic and oncologic pathology) and kidneys (besides large stones and tumors);

18. Diseases of gastrointestinal tract (besides tumors); 

19. Bronchial asthma;

20. Allergic and neurodermatites;

21. Allergic rhinitis;

22. Disturbance of the exchange of substances of any nature;

23.  Defeat of the skin connected with the disturbance of exchange of substances;

24.  Diseases of the skin connected with the disturbance of the purification of organism from slags

25. Osteochondrosis;

26. Obesity;

27. Diabetes mellitus;

28.  Parodontoz;        

29. Hormonal disturbances;  

30. The sterility, including of hormonal genesis (besides soldering joint process);

31. With the pathologic sperm;

32. Different disturbances of menses; 

33. With the threat of abortion;

34. Periodic disease (Mediterranean, familial fever);

35. For increasing the immunity;

36. For increasing the physical and mental ability to work; 

37. For raising the threshold of excitability;  

38. Disturbance of the purification of organism (release of organism from slags);

39. Alopecia;

40. Normalization of the color of skin and luster of eyes;

41. Cessation of the appearance of pigment spots;

42. Retarding aging process;

43. Periodontosis and parodontitis.


P.S. Because of the large number of nosologic units (practically everything to transfer it is impossible) part of them they are not included in this list, but this does not mean that their treatment is not seemed possible the methods pointed out above. For the final orientation to the European specialists (cardiologists, gynecologists, etc) it is necessary to have in the form that the fact that by the methods pointed out above are not treated only formed abscesses, the innate or acquired defects (hare lip, cleft palate, the defects of heart) and the presence of large stones in urinary and bilious tracts and truly hereditary diseases (haemophilia syndrome, etc.) Scheme consultation and treatment At the first consultation, the patient comes with all its medical documents (analysis of x-ray pictures, etc.) regardless of the method and the limitations of the survey. After examining the documents I listen to his complaint spend an objective examination raspisyvaû scheme further investigation (who conducted long either not included) to the second consultation, the patient comes with these surveys. With an old survey promoted again to compare. After you are familiar with these new studies put the final diagnosis, and Treatment regimen chosen consists of 3 or 5 courses, depending on the severity of the disease. The course consists of 10 sessions (one session per day). Between 3-10 day break, depending on the patient's condition (as it is written — the balance of the previous course received bioenergy). Treatment is desirable but not mandatory 3-year-in spring and autumn one rate for the result. During treatment, a follow-up impact treatment (untreated control blood sugar, blood hypertension disease-control blood pressure, etc.). Depending on the nature of the disease. Correction during the treatment is carried out differently. For example at sugar diabetum first gradually repealed medicine and then gradually expanding patient diet, food allergies are gradually expanding list of products from weak to strong and effective at the end of the treatment the patient eats everything, with a children's cerebral paralysis or State after a stroke is gradually increasing obb′em and load movements, etc.


















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