Example of the recovery the unhealing wounds after burns 


Patient G., 62 years, a housewife. In two months to the appeal to us, in the hospital was conducted the treatment apropos of the erysipelatous inflammation of feet, because of what, with the unexplained circumstances, the patient obtained the burns of the feet of the 2nd degree. In the course of the month in the surgical department was conducted stationary treatment, but into the place of healing, wound surface was covered with dense, of dry, by the crust black color, which by surgeons was estimated as the beginning of dry gangrene and the amputation of extremities was proposed to relatives, from what the relatives refused, and patient, under the receipt, was extracted from the hospital. With the  appeal to us there were a wound surface, which occupies entire internal surface of thigh and shin from both sides, covered with dense, thick, black colors by crust. The patient was conducted acupuncture in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses). Gradually, on the edges of wound (daily with a width of 3-5 mm) crust from both feet was removed. The freed surface it was strewn by the powder of streptocide and during 5 minutes it was irradiated by ultraviolet rays. Thus, went the healing of entire wound surface, without the formation of rough scars. The function of lower extremities is completely restored. After the treatment past 7 years. state is good. complaints from the side of feet there are not.



























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