Example of the recovery dependence to tobacco


Patient S., 46 years, a jurist,. Smoked for 25 years, during the day of approximately 2 bundles cigarette. The patient felt, that smoking sharply negatively, he was reflected in his health, but he could not throw to smoke, since with the failure of cigarette began strong tachycardia, arrhythmia, vertigo, sharp increase in the arterial pressure. The patient was conducted acupuncture in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses). However, from the first session of acupuncture gradually decreased a daily quantity of those smoked cigarette, and from the second course treatment he was passed without the smoking. In the time of entire treatment, in spite of the decrease, and then, and the total exclusion of nicotine, complaints from the side of cardiovascular system was not noted. Thus, in patient was taken dependence to the nicotine, but habit remained (earlier patient bundle cigarette he held in the pocket of trousers and after treatment he periodically subconsiously searched for in the pockets bundle). By this example we want to say that acupuncture removes dependence to the tobacco (also, both to alcohol and to the narcotics), but habit subdue must patient himself. Further seasonal courses were not conducted, because of the employment of patient and absence of indications. After the treatment past 7 years, the state good, works on the same work, he does not smoke, complaints from the side there is no cardiovascular system.



























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