Example of the recovery dependence to tobacco


Patient C., 42 years old, a teacher. For the last 20 years she smoked (in a 24 hour period 1,5 - bundle cigarette). With the appeal to us

for the patient was the complete picture of poisoning nicotine, but she was appeal to us because of the nicotine dependence if she did not smoke that several days there was no defecation, even after purifying enema. The patient was conducted acupuncture in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses) (from the first session of acupuncture she appeared aversion to the cigarettes, and with the passive smoking - nausea and urges to the vomiting). After the third session she appeared daily regular defecation, with the complete emptying of rectum. Three year seasonal courses the patient  did not obtain because of the absence of indications. After treatment past 10 years, she does not smoke. State good, there are no complaints, she works in hers specialty.



























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