Example of the recovery the schizophrenia (paranoid form)  


Patient T., 42  years old , a historian, a docent in the Institute of Higher Education. For the last three years he was observed in psychiatrist with the diagnosis pointed out above, repeatedly was conducted stationary treatment with the brief insignificant effect. The first signs of disease began to appear afterward transferred a number of stresses (death of father and problem in the personal life). The patient considered that his brother and wife of brother in the agreement with intelligence want him to kill, for which intelligence obtained special, without the smell and the color, the poison, which they add with him on the pillow. There was repeatedly the attempt to kill brother and his wife, but fortunately, his mother stirred. He  irritated with the inspection, he composes proposals with difficulty, he forgets thoughts, he cannot explain what he wants, sometimes he falls into the fury, when mother does not agree with him. The patient in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses) obtained acupuncture without the combination of drug therapy. Immediately, prior to the beginning of treatment with needles, preparations assigned by psychiatrist abolished, because of ineffectiveness and unwillingness of patient to assume them. The patient considered that the brother and with the psychiatrist also entered into the agreement. After the first course of acupuncture in patient the self-criticism appeared, and he apologized himself before the brother and his wife for the unjustified slander, but suspicion to intelligence they remained, which also passed after the third course of acupuncture. After the third course of patient he began to be occupied above his doctoral dissertation, also began to walk into the institute to the work (to read lecture and to conduct studies),  he was poured into the association, brought friends, began to be met with the girl, on whom in year he was married. After the end of treatment the patient nothing remembered about his state to that, about his delirious thoughts, and he considered that this is all result of the fantasy of  his mother, which to she those times did not consider his adult and as with the child joked with his. After the treatment past 9 years. The state of patient good, he protected doctoral dissertation, was obtained the title of professor, he teaches in the same institute and he is happy, he has healthy children, Ñ€Ñƒ became the friend i with the brother and his wife. Autumnal - spring courses he refused from the futures, since he was already said, he did not consider himself as patient.



























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