Example of the recovery hemiplegia after the previous triple stroke, chronic pyelonephritis, hypertonic disease, manic-depressive psychosis


Patient A., 67  years old, a pensioner (she previously she worked as supervisor on the market, administrator in the hotel). During the 50 years (from 10 summer ages) she suffers hypertonic disease with a frequent increase in the arterial pressure, constant severe pains in all sections, especially in the regions of back of the head and forehead, which were strengthened with weather change, especially before the sediments. Hypertonic disease progressed in the course of time: hypertonic crises were increased in frequency, the indices increased with the crises also with difficulty it was given to drug treatment, because of what the doctors were forced in the course of time either to increase dose medicine or to select the more strongly acting preparation. From the early childhood the patient complained about constant dull pains in the lumbar region, disturbance of urination; however, doctors did not give to this value. For the last 40 years constant bolts (without the method of purgative to 7 days it could be absent independent chair, and in the course of the last 5 years chair it was only after purifying enema) occur. In 2000,2005 and 2006 years. were hemorrhagic stroke in by right to cerebral hemispheres with left-side hemiplegia. Repeatedly the lpatient was conducted the stationary, sanitation and health treatment apropos of hypertonic disease, but unfortunately, without the effect and even on the contrary, as it was already said, with the progression of disease, and after the first stroke - repeated treatment in the neurologic and rehabilitative centers, with the analogous result. At the moment of to appeal

to us the state of the patient middle part, is located in the pastel regime, without the outside aid she cannot be turned in the bed. to arise from the bed, the sharp disturbance of speech (she not articulates, not intelligibles, she cannot comprise proposal, she cannot express her thoughts), sharp reduction in the memory, mental receptivity. In the patient it was noted the disturbance of the psyche (three strokes were in the frontal portion of right hemisphere, this is localization of brain, as is known, “it answers” for the psyche): the increased tearfulness, sharp, without causal irritability, capriciousness, the frequent inexplicable change in the mood (tear still on the eyes she can smile or vice versa), she wanted everything hers to be been sorry, they sympathized, they appeared the phenomenon of selfishness, laziness, despite, that from the words of its familiar, earlier  she was not egoist and lazy person, it was noted the unexpressed paranoid phenomenon (everybody wants hers to do harm, to rob, etc). With the inspection: senseless view, eyes unimportantly look anywhere, questions she answers unwillingly, indistinctly and illogically. Half of face of red- crimson color, hot by feel the touch, and another half is pale, is cold as marble, hypodermic vessels in the region of temples protruding. The left half of body (especially hand and leg) pale, by feel the touch cold, and right - on the contrary, red color and hot. Muscles of left arm and leg limply “hang”, atrophied, reflex on left arm and leg reduce, also lower pulsation on their artery left brush to end not compress in cam, left foot “hang” -” horse foot”, on the passive vertical pose left foot diverted in side, toe left foot bent and after forced straightening immediately bend. In the psyche besides the symptoms pointed out above. is noted absence the desire in patient to recover, since. she considers that after recovery she will be deprived of attention and “the heat” of relatives. On the laboratory inspection of the blood (the total analysis of the blood, a biochemical study of the blood), the total analysis of urine was set diagnosis chronic pyelonephritis. The patient during 2,5 months was carried out acupuncture(5 courses) apropos of pyelonephritis against the background without the additional drug therapy, and apropos kidneys and to the occasion of hypertonic disease. During the treatment arterial pressure gradually began to be reduced and it reached 90/60 mm. After of treatment data of the laboratory inspection of the blood and urine in the limits of standard, appeared independent daily chair. In the following stage the patient  during 2,5 months was carried out acupuncture(5 courses) apropos of the disturbance of cerebral blood circulation, last as result of 50-year hypertonic disease and previous three strokes. After the second stage of treatment the headaches completely were pierced, there is no reaction to weather changes. The third stage of treatment (during 2,5 months -5 of courses) was concluded into the eliminations of left-side hemiplegia, which was combined with massage. The third stage was conducted against the background the gradual activation of patient. After the third stage the patient walked either into under the hand with whom that or by two sticks, completely were restored muscles of left arm and leg it was restored in them force (even left hand and the leg of steel stronger than on the healthy, right side). Left foot was set (it is not noted “horse foot” and on to walking no removal in outside), toes of left foot in straightening state. The fourth stage of treatment (2,5 months -5 of courses) it was carried out for the purpose of the elimination of mental deviations, disorder of speech and increase in the intellect and memory. After the fourth stage of treatment the patient mental became completely adequate, without the inexplicable fluctuations of mood, the memory was restored, she conducted conversations on the intellectual theme, began to read periodicals. the book, looked television set it was normalized the speech (even she said on the telephone). Is at present past 2 months after the end of treatment patient feels herself well, and even progresses to the best side the effect of the treatment conducted.



























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