Example of the recovery of the inflammation of the solar interlacement (plexus celiacus)

Patient A., 73 years old, a professor in the institute of higher education. He appealed to us because of constant “dull” be ill in the epigastric region, which are extended throughout entire stomach, which are accompanied by weakness, by the inflation of stomach, by nausea, by perfrigeration with the subsequent insignificant increase in the temperature of body. Periodically pains became paroxysmal, acquiring “sharp” nature, other complaints pointed out above also they were strengthened, he appeared repeated vomiting with the gastric juice. Pains were more greatly concentrated in by right subcostal area. Assaults be ill they continued several days and they were slightly diluted only under the action of the strong anaesthetizing preparations. Strengthening be ill independent, it is connected in no way. Earlier in the patient it was cholecystectomy (removal of gall bladder) of the apropos cholelithiasis. The complaints pointed out above were also to the removal of gall bladder. Not only they passed after the surgical intervention of pain, but they, on the contrary, became frequent and strong. Data of the total analysis of the blood and urine, biochemical analysis of the blood, diastasis of urine were in the limits of standard. On the computer laminography: the sharp contraction of intra-hepatic bile tracts and, allegedly, was found stone in the intra-hepatic bile tracts (on the inspection of the tomograms besides the expressed contraction pointed out above and the deformation of intra-hepatic bile tracts nothing was not revealed, but the shadow, which was accepted as the stone, we have estimated as artifact, that also it was confirmed with the repeated computer laminography of the liver). Surgeons proposed the surgical operation for the removal “not existing” stone from the intra-hepatic bile tracts, from which the patient refused. We set the diagnosis: the inflammation of the the solar interlacement (plexus celiacus.) (solar interlacement - this powerful nervous interlacement, which found in the projection of epigastric region it innervates all organs of abdominal cavity, partially the organs of small basin). The patient was conducted acupuncture in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses), without the drugs. After the second course dull the abdominal pains pointed out above began to decrease; also decreased other complaints, which accompany pains, while after the third course, and pain, and other complaints completely disappeared. After the second course and to the end of the treatment of paroxysmal be ill it was not noted (earlier than one it was once a week compulsorily assault). On the control laminography the livers (after acupuncture) of contraction or the deformation of intra-hepatic bile tracts were not revealed after the treatment past 6 years, the complaint of the patient pointed out above he does not observe, he lives valuable life, diet is not observed. Taking into account that point out aboveed, we are legitimate to doubt, that in the patient the diagnosis of the cholelithiasis was correctly set in its time and they were indication for the removal of gall bladder.



























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