Example of the recovery of the complications of the lasting effect of strong noise


Patient  G., 25 years old, an invalid on the disease. With the  appeal to us he was incongruity,

  an orientation in the time and in the space was partially disrupted, a speech not connected, senseless, during the conversation inadequate laughter changed by the sobbing and vice versa, relatives he recognized partially, with difficulty, he remembered only the events, which occurred to the beginning of disease. The patient of up to 15 years old was mentally normal, in the school he learned on excellently. From 14 years he began to be fascinated “heavy” fate music. In three months appeared headaches, insomnia, mental and physical ability to work was reduced, through 6 months the parents and teachers noted the strangenesses , he became locked, he began aloud to be scolded with the people, to fight with them (to wave by hands), which at the given moment there were not in reality and, most importantly, he called the names of people, which did not exist among its relatives and familiar. Psychiatrists diagnosed schizophrenia, and was prescribed the appropriate drug treatment. In the course of time the doctors added the dose of preparations and weak preparations were replaced by the stronger of the, however, against the background conducted treatment, the state of patient deteriorated. Which is interesting, they considered enthusiasm by fate agreement and did not forbid, but the patient continued to listen to fate even during half a year, thus far not beginning to him very to irritate, after which, he broke a tape recorder he began to avoid not only music, but also any loud voice. When for the patient was “bright” periods he complained, which hears the voices of unknown people, which always threaten with violence and push him to the suicides. By us the state of patient was estimated as the result of the lasting effect of strong noise (fate, music), in connection with which it was destroyed the normal functioning of the auditory zone of cerebral cortex, and as the result of that state aboved, appeared the auditory hallucinations, and the preparations assigned, “loading” the brain (disconnecting completely cerebral cortex), they activated subcortex , that also led to worsening in the state of the patient. The patient was conducted acupuncture in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses). Beginning from the second course it was noted an improvement in the state of the patient. In parallel with an improvement in the state of the patient gradually decreased the dose of the preparations adopted (at the beginning of treatment all previously strong preparations adopted they were substituted damping and soporific). The fifth course of acupuncture of the patient passed without the drugs. The previously existing complaints almost completely disappeared at the end of treatment, auditory hallucinations became very rare: they appeared only with the overstrain of the patient, and, most importantly, the patient to these voices began to relate with the criticism and tried to fight with them and not to turn on them attention. The patient began to be oriented in the time and in the space, to learn those surrounding, slightly was restored memory, he could carry out elementary mental and physical work, he began to compile plans for the future. The patient was from another city, because of what conducting the subsequent spring-autumn courses was possible.



























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