Example of the recovery neurosis


Patient S., 32 years old, a jurist. Complaints of a constant, general weakness, increased the physical and mental fatigue (he could not carry out his run of job), the increased sweating, the absence of appetite, sharp growning thin (with an increase in 170 cm weight he was 46 kg), insomnia, inadequate irritability, a constant oppressed state. From the words of the state pointed out above sick with reason appeared frequent stresses on the work and in the personal life (scandals with the wife). Repeatedly were conducted the courses of stationary, sanitation and health, dispensary treatment, but without the result, even with the negative dynamics. The patient was conducted acupuncture in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses), without the drugs. However, from the first session of patient he felt in himself positive changes, and from the second course the complaints pointed out above completely disappeared. In the time of treatment were collected 14 kg. From the seasonal courses of acupuncture the patient refused because of employment and absence of indications (from his words). After the treatment past 8 years, state good, there are no complaints, he works on his previous work, personal life was fixed.



























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