Example of the recovery of the hormonal dysfunction of ovaries, cystic - fibrous mastopathy

   Patient N, 43 years old, a doctor. With the turning to us she complained about the disturbance of menstrual cycle both in time and in the special features of flow, to the pain in the mammary glands, which are amplified during the palpation, the presence of abundant discharge from the nipples with the extrusion to the form resembling to the milk. Mammary glands are by palpation sharply unhealthy, the cloth uneven, dense, almost deprived of elasticity. With checking of the hormones of the ovary: to face the dysfunction of ovaries both in the first and in the second phase of menstrual cycle. With mammography (roentgenography of mammary glands): the picture of cystic - fibrous mastopathy. The patient was conducted the computer laminagraphy of hypophysis, given in the adenoma of hypophysis was not found (separated from the nipples in the majority of the cases it occurs with the presence of the adenoma of hypophysis). Thus, to the patient was set the diagnosis: the hormonal dysfunction of ovaries as the associated pathology: cystic - fibrous mastopathy, chronic pyelonephritis, chronic hepatitis, chronic colitis. It was decided to divide treatment into 2 stages: In the I stage apropos of pyelonephritis, since chronic pyelonephritis, chronic hepatitis presented direct and serious threat for the life of patient, and into the II stage - apropos of the hormonal dysfunction of ovaries. After successfully carried out acupuncture, with the complete recovery apropos of chronic pyelonephritis, chronic hepatitis, chronic colitis (which was the confirmed subjectively and laboratory investigation of the blood and urine) was made monthly interruption. After interruption the patient was conducted acupuncture in the course of 1,5 months (3 courses), without the drugs apropos of the hormonal dysfunction of ovaries. On the motion the treatment gradually of pain in the mammary glands decreased, especially during the palpation, during the palpation tuberousity of the tissue of mammary glands decreased; discharge from the nipples also decreased. At the end of treatment the menses became regular, painless, mammary glands during the palpation were painless, by smooth skin surface, they consist of uniform soft, not uneven (characteristically for the ferrous cloth) consistency, separated from the left nipple completely it is absent, but from the right - in the twenty-four hours one drop with the strong of the pressure of nipple. With the laboratory investigation the hormones of ovaries within the limits of standard both in the first and in the second phase of menstrual cycle. Repeated mammography it was not carried out, since earlier than in year to repeat this inspection is not permitted according to the medical and sanitary standards because of the large dose of X-ray irradiation. Thus by acupuncture not was only restored the normal hormonal function of ovaries, but also resolved fibrous cloth in the mammary glands (previously palpated tuberousity after treatment it was not determined) that according to the principles of European medicine it is considered as the not possible…



























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