Example of the recovery of mononucleosis together with the khlomidiya


Patient  T., 21 years old, a student. With the random sexual contact he was infected  by chlamydia , was in connection with which carried out prolonged, but unsuccessful (afterward the end of treatment with the check analysis it was revealed chlamydia in the high caption) treatment with the strong antibiotics. It was decided after the 2nd of weekly interruption to anew begin treatment. However, before beginning the new course of treatment, with the test survey (the total analysis of the blood, the biochemical analysis of the blood, a study of the puncture specimen of bone marrow, the ultrasonic inspection of internal organs - an increase in the liver and spleen) was set diagnosis mononucleosis, whose presence doctors explained by the high toxicity of the preparations accepted. Drug treatment was conducted in the course of the month, but it was impossible to reach results. The patient during 2,5 months  was carried out acupuncture(5 courses), without including other methods of treatment After the end of acupuncture with the test survey (the total analysis of the blood, a biochemical study of the blood, a study of the puncture specimen of bone marrow, the ultrasonic inspection of internal organs - dimensions of the liver and spleen within the limits of standard) and, which was interesting and unexpectedly, (during acupuncture we before ourself were not set as this goal), with the inspection of chlamydia there was not expose. Real by acupuncture  simultaneously cured 2 different diseases. After the treatment past of 10 years, the repetition of disease was not noted, patient was married, 2 normal children were born.



























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