Example of the recovery the decreased immunity, with the tendency toward the diseases

Patient T., 5 years old, he walked into kindergarten. With the  appeal to usthe mother of boy complained about the expressed weakness of child, the rapid fatigue from the games and the mental work (child walked into the preparatory group for the entering into the school, depression, absence of the desire to associate with the contemporaries, capriciousness, frequent headache, poor appetite and, most importantly, frequent groundless catarrhal diseases despite the fact that child always dressed not seasonly heat-, were excluded contacts with the patients, saws only warm water (even after the drink of water of room temperature it began angina). To boy repeatedly was conducted drug, physical therapy treatment, but without the effect. Acupuncture was conducted in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses), in parallel with the treatment was conducted gradual hardening (adequate dressing, the intake of cold water, ice-cream, occupation by floating). The boy never fell ill in the time of treatment, he became reasonable, obedient, with the pleasure he began to be prepared for the school, to associate with the children, to drink water out of the refrigerator, there is ice cream. After the treatment past 1,5 years, from the words of mother the child never fell ill, he  learns good in the school, he is occupied by floating, dresses more easily his contemporaries. From further seasonal treatment his mother refused, basing this by a good state of boy.



























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