Example of the recovery of the heaviest fear to transportation means       


Patient A., 20 years old, a student of medical institute. He appealed to us with complainets about the fear to transportation means, especially to the passenger automobiles and especially with departure for the city. In parallel to the fear it appeared strong palpitation, frequent pulse (to 120-130 impacts per minute), the sensation compression in the throat, increased sweating, trembling in the arms and the legs, weakness, vertigo, nausea, rapid and increased physical and mental fatigue, almost total loss of memory, constant headaches of dull nature. The complaints pointed out above appeared 3 ago, after automobile emergency (passenger motor vehicle, in which young person was situated, it overturned after head-on collision with the counter automobile. The complaints were strengthened in the course of time, because of what the patient  could not learn and designed annual leave- installment in the institute. The picture of the disturbance of the blood circulation of brain and cardioneurosis is revealed according to the data of objective inspection. The patient was repeatedly looked around by neurologist and psychiatrists, was conducted repeated course drug treatment, but unfortunately, with the negative dynamics.

    The patient was conducted acupuncture in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses), without the drugs. After the II course gradually began to decrease the complaints pointed out above, while completely they disappeared after IV of course, the patient interrupted his forced vacation on the studies and began to attend into the institute. Three year autumnal spring courses to the patient were not conducted because of his employment. After the treatment of 8 years, the patient successfully past finished medical institute, graduate study, protected thesis and he works as the practicing doctor, from the former complaints nothing  remained, already 5 years drive on their personal automobile.



























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