Example of the recovery of chronic pyelonephritis, chronic hepatitis

 Patient N, 43 years old, a doctor. She appealed to us with complaints about “dull” pains in the lumbar region, edemas in the feet, excess weight, frequent bolts, constant inflation of stomach, difficult departure of gases. With the measurement of diuresis (quantity of chosen urine and the drunk liquid in 24 hours) is obtained the following picture: it was drunk by 500 ml of liquid, and urine it was isolated with 150 ml. Raising the permissible standard of hepatic and nephritic tests was noted with the biochemical analysis of the blood, with the total analysis of urine - low specific weight, presence of protein, large quantity of leukocytes, bacterium, caps, mucus, salts, with the biochemical of a study of the blood - hepatic and nephritic indices considerably higher than standard the, which indicates expressed functional of the disturbance of the kidneys and liver. Thus, to the patient was set the diagnosis: chronic pyelonephritis, chronic hepatitis as the associated pathology: the hormonal dysfunction of ovaries, cystic - fibrous mastopathy, chronic colitis. It was decided to divide treatment into 2 stages: In the I stage apropos of pyelonephritis, since pyelonephritis and hepatitis presented direct and serious threat for the life of the patient, and in the  II stage  - apropos to the hormonal dysfunction of ovaries. The patient was conducted acupuncture in the course of 1,5 months (3 courses), without the drugs. During the treatment periodically (every week) was measured diuresis and a quantity of drunk liquid in the twenty-four hours gradually increased and in the end of the treatment the patient in the twenty-four hours assumed 2 liters of liquid, and urine issued about 2,5 liters. At the end of treatment the pains in the back completely passed, passed edemas in the lower extremities, excess weight decreased on as much on was as caused by edemas (by delay conduct in the organism because of the disturbance of the function of kidneys), they completely passed bolts, indices of the laboratory investigation of the blood and urine within the limits of standard. After monthly interruption in the course of 1,5 months to the patient was conducted the II stage of treatment by acupuncture apropos of the hormonal dysfunction of ovaries. The latter also ended by a good result.



























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