Example of the recovery dyskinesia of bile tracts


Patient Z., 15 years old, a pupil . Pregnancy and childbirths in mother took a normal course, he did not feed by maternal milk. From the 2nd of the summer age, when the ration of child was enlarged , began to appear sharp abdominal pains, nausea, uncontrollable vomiting. From the words of mother, pain they were so they were strong, that sometimes they brought to the loss of consciousness. Apropos point out aboveed pains, the patient was repeatedly hospitalized into the different clinics, with the inspection he was acknowledged healthy and it was recommended the strictest diet. With the appeal to us

 the patient , besides incomprehensible pains after food, he complained also about the expressed weakness, increased physical and mental fatigue, irritability, poor mood, reduction in the memory and intellectual receptivity. According to the laboratory findings of the blood and urine they took place of the deflection of the exponential functions of the liver and kidneys, with the ultrasonic inspection - deformation of gall bladder and common bilious duct, an increase of the liver in the sizes. We set the diagnosis: dyskinesia of bile tracts, the internal intoxication of organism. Acupuncture without the combination of drug therapy was conducted in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses). However, from the first day of treatment to patient was assigned the dosed physical load, which increased in the course of time. Before the treatment was comprised the list of the products after method, which in patient appeared the complaints pointed out above. Each day of treatment by patient tried new food products. In the time of treatment, in spite of the provocations products, in patient never were complaint from the side of digestive system, was normalized mood, memory, mental receptivity, was not noted physical and mental fatigue, in spite of the large loads, data of laboratory and ultrasonic inspection arrived into the standard. After the treatment past of 2,5 years, the patient continues to obtain seasonal treatment with needles, there are no complaints, eats all, learns well, is occupied by sport.



























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