Example of the recovery autism and hormonal disturbance


Patient G., 12 years old, the invalid of the first group, deals in no way. Pregnancy and childbirths in mother took a normal course. In 2 years children's neurologists established the delay of mental development, while autism was set in 4 years. Was conducted a constant drug treatment (preparations frequently they were changed because of the ineffectiveness); however, there was no result. With the  appeal to us

the growth of child 150 cm, the weight of 68 kg, external sex organs by their development do not correspond to the age of child. The child was no adequate,he  comes into contact with difficulty, only he understands and partially carries out primitive commands, he was aggressive (he throws on the strangers, he bites, he pulls by the hair of women), without the reasons he laughs, he mutters himself with himself. The speech was incomprehensible he did not articulate, one and the same phrase repeats several times, makes the senseless, uncontrollable motions, eats as the animal (by hands, rummaging in the products, champing, throwing out from the mouth food and then conversely the same food immerses in the mouth). Child from the well-to-do family, with him from the 2nd years are occupied nurse (teacher with the higher seniority) and psychologist. Several years prepared him for the entering into the school for the mentally backward children, but without the result. In spite of security, in the family there was not the healthy situation: in the father was the weakness for the feminine sex, and he lived his life out of the family, being interested only in questions of her mistresses, and his wife dealt only with shadowing after the husband, development of his sequential mistress and with rolling of sequential scandal in the house. Thus, from the parents no one was occupied by child in the course of the entire life, but of up to 2nd years - generally no one. But this, exactly, that life cycle of the child, when the explosion of nervous system occurs and considerable attention is required. All above-mentioned gave to us the right to remove diagnosis autism and to place diagnosis the syndrome of Maugli. The patient was conducted acupuncture in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses) together with the physical load, without the drug therapy. During the treatment with the boy was occupied experienced teacher (training the primitive things: color, name of objects, number to 10, arithmetical exercises in this limit), according to our recommendation was stiffened the training (earlier it was carried out any whim). After treatment the considerable progress in the psyche of boy was noted, he became adequate, left into the past not explained behavior pointed out above, he lost weight by 12 kg, external sex organs actively were developed, appeared fibrous cover on the feet, in the region of pubes and in the armpits. For three years was conducted autumnal - spring treatment. After “impact” treatment, in autumn the child entered into the usual school, into the first class. He at present learns by the “satisfactory” marks (besides school with him they are occupied and coaches), he is fascinated by music and drawing. After the treatment past of 7 years, the repetition of disease is not noted, on the contrary, there is slow positive dynamics.



























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