Example of the recovery periodic disease (Mediterranean or familial fever)


Patient K., 10 years old, a pupil. From the 2nd of summer age she suffered the breast form of the disease pointed out above (about the disease above). Disease began suddenly, without the special reasons. She was repeatedly inspected under the stationary conditions and was conducted complex treatment allegedly from a cold. However, the assaults of disease were increased in frequency in the course of time, acquiring the more expressed and prolonged nature. At the nine-year age she was set the diagnosis pointed out above, there was by that time established strong and irreversible defeat of kidneys (by method of the biopsy of kidneys and biochemical analysis of the blood), and the patient was extracted home for the symptomatic treatment with the unfavorable forecast (doctors said to her mother that to girl remained to live several months). With the appeal to us in the girl was expressed edemas, disturbance of urination, strong exhaustion, also, according to the data of ultrasonic and laboratory inspection the expressed defeat of the liver and kidneys. The child was very weakened, with the loss of appetite and sleep, were noted strong, almost constant headaches with sharp fluctuation of arterial pressure. Symptomatic treatment was abolished,and the patient during 2,5 months was carried out acupuncture(5 courses). Gradually decreased and in the end of the treatment completely disappeared edemas, weakness, normal urination was restored, normal arterial pressure was established, child collected normal weight, appetite and sleep was restored, forever disappeared the headaches and the former assaults, data of the ultrasonic and laboratory inspection of steel in the limits of standard. In the subsequent three years in autumn and in spring it was carried out through one course (10 sessions) of acupuncture. After the treatment past 10 years, there it was not one assault of the former disease, the girl successfully graduated from school and institute.



























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