Example of the recovery hypertonic disease


Patient K., 49 years old, a doctor. For 20 years she suffered hypertonic disease. Fluctuations of arterial pressure were frequently noted by spring and in autumn, with sharp weather changes, especially before the sediments. For 20 years was conducted drug treatment against the background of which it was noted the progression of the disease: quickening of hypertonic crises, increase in their duration and increase in the indices of arterial pressure with the crises, but last year it was barely given to treatment, in spite of the broad spectrum of medicines. The ability to work of organism sharply was reduced, appeared increased irritability, expressed insomnia, that made the life of the patient of incompatible with hers work. The patient in the course of 2,5 months was carried out acupuncture (5 courses), with the cancellation by the previously patient of medicines adopted. In parallel with the treatment the indices of arterial pressure gradually were reduced, and at the end of treatment - they reached the normal numbers. After the treatment past 8 years. The state of patient a good, arterial pressure is held on the normal numbers (without the drugs), she continues to work in hers specialty, does not perceive fatigue in the end of workday, insomnia completely disappeared. Moreover, the year after the end of treatment in patient began the climax, which flowed smoothly (in spite of that that climax  is the expressed hormonal change, and hormones they play large role in the mechanism of hypertonic disease) and in turn negatively it was not reflected to the indices of arterial pressure.




























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