Example of the recovery of the heaviest fear to death

 Patient O., 45 years old, an electronics specialist. Complained about the fear to death when he remains one ( the patient seems that it will be suddenly, and , no one  will aid him), the severe pains in the heart, in the stomach or in other parts of the body. They accompanied with the general weakness, increased by sweating, by reduction in the physical and mental ability to work, by unconscious state. 5 years ago occurred incident, he was at house one, and for the obscure reasons lost the consciousness, after which appeared the complaints pointed out above. The patient repeatedly was conducted complex inspection, but no pathology  was established, that more greatly  upset and irritated the patient. From his words, he dies ,but the doctors  cannot find reason, and they do not believe him. The patient assumed different preparations, appointed as neurologists, psychiatrists, but without the effect, and on the contrary, complaints were strengthened in the course of time and they became many-sided. Because of the complaints pointed out above compulsorily somebody of the members of family had to accompany to him to the work, stand behind the door of tank room or toilet, when he there was located.

The patient was conducted acupuncture in the course of 2,5 months (5 courses). After the second course the complaints they began to be gradually decreased, the patient began move on the apartment without tracking, while after the fourth course he was beginning to drive one to work. From further three year treatment after acupuncture, the patient  refused arguing by a good state and the absence of the former complaints. After the treatment past 8 years, there are no complaints, he lives usual life, works, even one drives into other cities.




























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