Example of the recovery food allergy


Patient A., 32 years old, earlier she worked in the library, at the moment of to the appeal to us the invalid - 2nd group. For 17 years (from 15 summer ages) she suffers food allergy. First allergy was only to the chocolate, but in the course of time was added “the assortment” of the not transferred by organism products, and up to the moment of to appeal to us the patient could eat only boiled potato and beef. Besides products for the patient was the allergy to the damp, molded premises, to the paper dust (because of what she was forced to leave from the post of librarian). She was repeatedly inspected in the specialized clinics, it was carried out different drug, sanitation and health treatment, but as it was already said, with the negative dynamics. Up to the moment of to appeal to us, the patient “vein” on the aerosol which through each of 10-15 minutes sprinkled into the mouth. The patient during 2,5 months was carried out acupuncture(5 courses), without including other methods of treatment. The list of the products of those divided into three groups in terms of the gravity of intolerance was comprised prior to the beginning of treatment by patient, and on the motion of treatment each day we have comprised menu next day of these products, including vegetables and fruits, beginning from the weakly acting group, then mean power and in the third stage of the treatment of the strong products. In parallel with the products the patient always associated with the paper dust and the mould. Already after the first session of acupuncture the need of applying the bronchodilating aerosols was eliminated. At the end of treatment the patient exhausted her list of products, ate all contract, quietly she breathed paper dust and ate the moulded bread and cheese “Roquefort”. After the treatment past 10 years, there are no complaints, she works on  previous work (by librarian), disablement is taken.



























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