Retarding aging process


       Aging - this is normal physiological process, and as all the remaining processes in nature, it is subordinated to law of the dialectic. Here the discussion deals not about the eternal youth, but about retarding of aging process and with the stoppages of the process of late (at the young age) aging. According to our concept, the reason for acceleration and early beginning of aging is the disturbance of exchange of substances, that also leads to the appearance either of the intermediate products in the organism, which within the standard by nature are not provided or in large quantities provided substances, which the secretory organs do not manage to derive from the organism, that also leads to poisoning of organism and accelerating the aging process… But reasons for those leading there are many to the disturbance of exchange of substances: the incorrect means of life, incorrect nourishment, nervous life with the frequent stresses, spiritual and moral overexertion, etc Man can be compared with leaves of the trees, whose drop is in autumn regularly, however, with the different defeats, leaves, which did not still have time to be opened turn yellow and fall. The appearance of toxins in the organism leads to the blocking of hormonal system, which and in turn leads to the aging process. It is possible to give many examples: people with obesity appear considerably older than their years, in women and men after climax (especially, after early climax) sharp aging process begins. Nullipara woman or woman, who made many abortions, appears considerably older than its contemporary and finally, not by chance, the malignant tumors of internal sex organs and mammary glands in the women pointed out above are encountered considerably more frequently than in others. But, malignant tumors themselves by many authors are regarded the result “of the churning” of organism from the program and by the result of aging the tissues. For the treatment it is first necessary to find the reason, which led to the disturbance of exchange of substances, and to remove it, then to treat the disturbance of exchange of substances, and, after this, if independently does not pass the disturbance of hormonal system, then by acupuncture treat and it. In any stage of the treatment of reasons there can be several, the main thing is correct to reveal them and it is correct to estimate their role in the process of disturbance and to remove on the turn (to immediately envelop several - categorically cannot), beginning from the very important.

















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