Periodic disease (Mediterranean fever)

       Is encountered in the representatives of those nations, whose ancestors lived on the shore the Mediterranean (Jews, Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians). It is characterized by chills with a gradual rise of temperature of body, with the abdominal pains either in the chest or in both places, depending on this are distinguished breast form, form of abdomen and mixed form. It is characterized also by breathlessness, shortage of air, increased by sweating, by nausea, by vomiting, by inflation and with the stress of abdomen, that frequently gives the occasion to think about peritonitis and patient it in vain undergoes surgical intervention. The complaints pointed out above increase gradually, they reach their “peak”, after which they are gradually decreased and disappear. Entire assault to last 3-4 days, which periodically is repeated. Hence name is periodic disease. The frequency of assaults, intensity and duration increases in the course of time. In the terminal phase is connected heavy nephritic- hepatic insufficiency, that also is the reason of the loss of patient. The reasons for disease to the end are not explained. Opinions are divided into three groups. The first - disease is caused by genes. The second - not genetic, but acquired. The third - depends both on the genes and on living conditions. Contemporary medicines are directed toward the partial lightening of assault, but they cannot stop the complication to the kidneys and the liver. Treatment by acupuncture is directed toward the elimination of bioenergetic unbalance (in what and eastern medicine sees the basic reason for this illness), in parallel acting on the struck kidneys and the liver.



























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