Disturbance of the purification of organism (release of organism from the slags)


       In this pathology most important role it is subject to kidneys, liver and skin, which are the purifying organs, which neutralize the poisons (poisons, which they are manufactured in the organism from the vital activity of the countless cells of entire organism). Important significance have nervous, hormonal systems, pathology of the organs of gastrointestinal tract (because of what is disrupted the digestion, food it is not mastered to the end in the organism, they remain the intermediate substances, which and being multitude cells organism), disturbance of the feed mode. corrosion, in the hurry the consumption of food without chewing well its, not mobile means of life, etc For the treatment it is necessary to correctly explain the reasons for the appearance of the disturbance pointed out above and to remove them. Frequently there are several reasons: it is in such cases necessary to correctly estimate their importance (i.e. to estimate the force of the brought damage to organism) and treatment to begin from the elimination of factors on the priority, from the strong to the weak. Ever it cannot be tried, for accelerating the treatment, to immediately remove several factors to avoid of obtaining undesirable complications…




























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